Today, the paper industry is confronted with a growing demand for new products using paper and board with enhanced properties and new functionalities.

This complex composition of papers still today presents a great challenge to paper analysis, especially when paper components are present in low concentrations and have to be studied for their microscopic distribution in the paper cross-section. Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy have great potential for a comprehensive and very specific chemical characterization of paper. Raman microscopy, in particular, offers new possibilities to chemical paper analysis.

We will introduce you the use of IR spectroscopy and Raman microscopy to analyse the detailed chemical composition and structure of paper and paper products. Furthermore, the use of spectroscopic analyses of documents and works of art on paper for their authentication and the detection of forgeries will be demonstrated.

PTS Insight – Information:

  • Date: Wednesday, 28.04.2021 l 10 am to 11:30 am CE
  • Online Event: MS Teams
  • free of charge l 0 €

Registration here!